Statement by Governor Jan Brewer Study: Veterans to Benefit from Health Care Restoration


Date: March 26, 2013
Location: Phoenix, AZ

A report issued today by the Urban Institute and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation finds nearly 2 million veterans and their spouses (under the age of 65) lack health insurance in the United States. About 35 percent of these individuals -- or 708,000 -- would be eligible for health care under the Affordable Care Act. These numbers include 43,300 uninsured veterans and their spouses in Arizona, 14,200 of whom have incomes low enough that they would be eligible for coverage via Governor Brewer's Medicaid Restoration Plan. Below is a statement from Governor Brewer:

"Despite public misconceptions, large numbers of American veterans lack access to basic health care, and their spouses generally do not qualify for care through the VA. According to a nonpartisan report released today, the number of uninsured veterans and their spouses in this country totals nearly 2 million -- including more than 43,000 in the State of Arizona alone.

"It is unacceptable to me that so many of our veterans who honorably served this nation would be without access to basic health care. Fortunately, there is a solution. As today's report makes clear, one-third of Arizona's uninsured veterans and spouses would be eligible for health coverage through my Medicaid Restoration Plan. The remaining uninsured have incomes too high to qualify.

"With my plan, we have an opportunity to provide basic, cost-effective care to the men and women who have sacrificed for this nation. This is our chance to throw them a lifeline -- let's not waste it."

To view the full report:

Executive Summary:
